Chart Symbols

A legend of share codes, symbols or tickers that can help you find the financial instrument you want on the chart. To view a share on the chart simply start typing the code or the name in the search bar, or click on a share below.

* Inactive shares are red

  • Instruments Paid Users can view: 2926 (Crypto, Commodities, Indexes, JSE stocks, US stocks, Forex)
  • Instruments Logged In Users can view: 2002 (Crypto, Commodities, Indexes, US stocks, Forex)
  • Instruments Guests can view: 1014 (Crypto, Commodities, Indexes, Forex)

CryptoCurrencies 1 Instruments

JSE Stocks 924 Instruments

Commodities 842 Instruments

US Stocks (On Easy Equities) 988 Instruments

AUS Stocks (On Easy Equities) 988 Instruments

Foreign Echange (Forex) 122 Instruments